8 ways to prevent trash bags from slipping
Trash bags enable the safe disposal of unwanted materials. However, keeping the bag secure in one place is one of the most challenging tasks most people face. Most trash bags are slippery and might fold in when left unattended in the bin. It can be frustrating to fish around for the edge of the bag. To make things easier, here are 8 ingenious ways to prevent trash bags from slipping in the first place. Pick an ideal size can liner While this might seem simple, one of the best ways to keep a trash bag from slipping is to pick an ideal shape and size of the garbage can liner. There are different designs of trash can receptacles that come in various shapes, such as half-circle, rectangle, circle, and square. Once the individual knows the shape of the can liner, the next step is picking the right size. Some might consider picking a trash bag based on the gallon capacity, but that may not work. A 48-gallon toter trash can may require a 65-gallon trash bag to properly fold over the side and stay secured. Tie a knot Tying a knot is one of the oldest tricks to keep a trash bag from sipping.
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