7 tips for dealing with heavy periods
Those who menstruate often deal with a heavy period flow. Heavy menstrual bleeding that lasts over 7 days is called menorrhagia—a common concern that causes blood loss and cramping. If left unattended, it can lead to complications like anemia and pain in the abdomen and pelvic region. Excessive bleeding can disrupt daily activities due to low energy levels and discomfort. However, one can manage heavy periods by making certain lifestyle changes and better food choices. Key tips Women may experience a heavy period flow once in a while; however, persistently heavy periods can interfere with daily activities and lower energy levels. One should consult a healthcare professional to understand the causes and treatment for menorrhagia. Additionally, one can try the following easy hacks to cope with heavy period flow: Make a period care kit The length of a period cycle can differ slightly for everyone. But on average, a cycle is anywhere between 28 and 35 days. So, by keeping track of the cycle, one can plan ahead to minimize discomfort during periods. One of the easiest ways to reduce the discomfort is preparing a period care kit, especially if one is away from home on their period. To the kit, one can add necessities such as tampons, pads, a change of clothes, hot water bottles, and, if needed, some comfort food.
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