13 Best Strategies to Manage Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders affecting daily life. Many people deal with anxiety and chronic stress and experience symptoms like agitation, nervousness, chest pain, and a racing heart. Over 18% of people in the country deal with anxiety disorders every year. In some people, an overactive thyroid might also cause anxiety disorder. Below are some of the best management options to keep anxiety in check. Scheduling a worrying time It may seem odd, but health experts recommend picking a worrying time when you can think about all your fears on purpose. You can spare thirty minutes of your time to identify things that disturb you and have your worry session. Try doing the same every day at the same time. Do not think about the what-ifs and focus only on the things that trigger your anxiety. Indulging in mindfulness When you feel anxious, you may spend a significant amount of time around the day thinking about all the anxiety-provoking thoughts and ideas. When you become mindful, you learn how to concentrate your attention and bring it back to the present moment, unhooking from all thoughts that may trigger your anxiety. Today, mindfulness is becoming popular as people realize how beneficial it is.
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