9 unhealthy foods that can trigger cancer-causing symptoms

9 unhealthy foods that can trigger cancer-causing symptoms

The foods one eats may have a direct effect on their overall health. Therefore, when one consumes unhealthy foods, they risk developing or worsening health conditions. One of the most common complications that might worsen due to these foods intake includes cancer. The eatables usually contain carcinogenic compounds that lead to health complications. So here are nine foods that one should exclude from their meals if they are at risk of developing cancer.

French fries
Who doesn’t love indulging in a pack of french fries at home or a fast food joint? Well, this food is one of the worst options for human health, more so for people with cancer. Starchy food produces a substance known as acrylamide when it is heated at higher temperatures. The property has shown signs of worsening the risk of cancer in patients. The chemical may damage the DNA in healthy cells, leading to their death, which can aggravate the symptoms of cancer. One should note that french fries may increase inflammation and oxidative stress, two common cancer triggers. Individuals should also avoid fried foods such as chicken strips, cheese sticks, and fried fish, as these may also worsen cancer symptoms.

Beef and pork
Red meats like beef and pork are some of the unhealthiest food sources for people at risk of cancer. These meats are classified into group 2A, which makes them potentially carcinogenic. When a chemical in red meats, called haem, is broken down in the gut, it forms N-nitroso chemicals known to damage the cells that line the bowels. The reaction can result in bowel cancer. Research also indicates that its excessive intake may trigger prostate and pancreatic cancers. Other types of red meats one should avoid include goat, lamb, veal, and mutton.

Many people have a batch of sausages for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a snack. After all, the food is delicious and goes with just about any meal. However, despite its rich flavor, adding sausages to a meal regime can be unhealthy for individuals, especially if they suffer from a disease like cancer. Sausages are processed meats preserved through phases like salting and curing. Therefore, they usually contain nitrites, which are known to create carcinogens that can aggravate cancerous symptoms. Therefore, one should avoid the intake of sausages or limit their intake. They should also exclude other processed meats such as corned beef, beef jerky, lunch meat, bacon, salami, and hot dogs.

Cookies are rich in sugar, which may negatively impact one’s health. The consumption of excessive sugar can lead to various types of diabetes and also trigger chronic inflammation. Both these conditions are associated with ovarian, uterine, and breast cancer. Furthermore, experts indicate that a meal regime that is high in sugar may heighten one’s blood glucose levels, which is a potential risk factor for colorectal cancer. So one should exclude cookies from their meals. In a nutshell, an individual should avoid or limit most foods that contain sugar to maintain their overall health. They can also speak to an expert about alternative, healthier sweeteners for foods and beverages.

White bread
Most people consume white bread at home and even at fast-food joints as part of their daily meals. But despite its popularity, someone at risk of cancer should steer clear of this food item. The food contains refined carbohydrates and sugars, which are ingredients associated with an increased risk of cancerous development in people. Refined carbs are usually chemically stripped of essential natural components, including minerals, vitamins, and fibers. Therefore, those who eat white bread regularly may suffer from increased sugar, putting them at a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Microwave popcorn
While unflavored popcorn may have health benefits, options packed in microwave bags might hold potential risk factors. Microwave popcorn bags are lined with a chemical that usually decomposes to produce perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). The acid has shown links to increased cancers, such as prostate and liver. Furthermore, microwave popcorn contains diacetyl, which is used to make artificial butter. This property may affect organs in the body, such as the lungs. Instead of purchasing microwaveable popcorn, one can make their unflavored options at home using a brown paper bag and coconut water.

Farmed salmon
While salmon usually comes with multiple health benefits, including its farmed alternative in daily meals may pose a risk to one’s health. Studies show that salmon raised on farms may contain a large number of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in comparison with wild salmon. Such concentrations make the food highly dangerous for people at risk of cancer. Farmed salmon may also worsen pre-existing symptoms of the disease. Furthermore, this type of salmon may also contain preservatives, pesticides, antivirals, and antibiotics, to protect them against bacterial and parasitic invasions. Unfortunately, these chemicals have carcinogenic properties, which trigger cancerous developments in several individuals.

Most people love pasta and make recipes using it as a primary ingredient. But the food is high on the glycemic index (GI). This means consuming pasta may result in increased blood sugar levels. Experts suggest that people who had a high GI were at a much higher risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer. If one wants to enjoy a bowl of pasta occasionally, one can add healthy fats to the food, such as olive oil, to lower the overall glycemic index.

Dairy products like milk are high in fats that may lead to one gaining unhealthy pounds. As a result of the unhealthy calorie increase, one may suffer from health conditions that may increase their risk of developing certain cancer types. However, milk also contains health properties essential for other parts of the body, such as the bones. Therefore, one should consult with an expert before making changes to their meal regime.